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Scents For Different Moods

Updated: Jun 21, 2022

I believe that it has been said before, that if you give someone the right fragrance, they feel like they can take over the world. Certain scents can be very emotive and evocative, and can have a wonderful effect on your mood. Your sense of smell is related to the part of your brain responsible for emotion and memory.

It could be argued that smell is the strongest of the senses, and is able to influence the activity of your brain. Olfactory bulbs are part of the limbic system and connect to the areas of the brain which process learning and emotion. This may explain why sometimes when we smell something it can trigger a memory or remind us of something or someone. Essential oils can improve both performance and health.

Essential oils have anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and can help to keep germs at bay. Inhaling essential oils activates the hypothalamus, the area of the brain responsible for sending messages to other parts of the body. A simple inhalation of a scent or aroma can cause many changes in the body, including activation of your immune system, and altering blood pressure and stimulating digestion.

It’s no secret that scent plays a powerful role in emotion, and lighting up the right candle can boost a particular mood. That’s partly why candles have become so popular today. Of course a pretty candle helps décor, but that is just the start!


Lavender has calming properties that help control emotional stress, promotes sleep, and has a soothing effect on your nerves, relieving nervous tension and depression, and helping to alleviate headaches and migraines.


Chamomile promotes sleep, it is known to promote relaxation, and alleviate tension, so you should wake up feeling happier too.


Ylang-ylang is a popular and tropical floral scent, sometimes associated with uplifting your mood, which promote relaxation, but is also said to be an aphrodisiac. It is often linked to feminine energy, with a sensual, sweet and exotic smell. So, if you have a date coming up...


Like lavender, Jasmine can be used to calm nerves, but it is also often used as a natural anti-depressant with its uplifting capabilities giving you feelings of confidence and optimism.

It has a beautifully aromatic scent and a delicate and sweet smell.


Citrus scents are known to be invigorating, helping you feel more alert and energised. Some citrus smells can be de-stressing, such as the fresh and clean scent of lemon. Lemon promotes concentration and helps to calm and clarify, helpful for you if you feel angry, anxious or run down. Lemon has antiviral and antibacterial properties and can help fight sore throats and colds, boosting your immune system and improving your circulation.


Did you know that vanilla is a ‘happy’ scent? Vanilla can also be used to create a sense of opulence. It promotes positive energy and happiness, and research has shown that taking a whiff of vanilla bean elevates feelings of joy and relaxation.


Rosemary can enhance concentration and memory, perfect for if you have an important day ahead. In addition to improving memory retention, it has stimulating properties to combat physical exhaustion, headaches and mental fatigue. Rosemary can also be used to relieve muscular aches and pains.


Cinnamon can help to combat mental fatigue, and improve your concentration and your focus.


Take it from us. Try peppermint when brainstorming! Peppermint is an energy booster, it invigorates the mind, promotes strong concentration and stimulates clear thinking.


Pine is certainly worth a try if you are looking to de-stress. It is known to alleviate stress and it evokes cheerfulness. Details of a Japanese study of pine, on the human mind, showed that the group participants who went on a walk through pine forests reported much lower depression, anxiety, and stress after indulging in the scent of pine in the forest.


Think of bamboo, for productivity. The scent of bamboo helps to sharpen your mental focus, making it a great option when you’re studying or you need to complete an important assignment or work deadline.


When it comes to scents to relieve anxiety, stress and depression, and to relax, sandalwood is often considered to be number one. It has an earthy and musky scent, feels sophisticated, and can make a refreshing change from basic floral scents. Historically, sandalwood has been used medicinally due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.


As you can see, essential oils are much more than just a scent. They may have a whole range of health benefits too, with interesting history. At Unique Gifts AG, we have a range of products containing scents mentioned above, and we invite you to browse our shop for something to reward yourself or someone else with.

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